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Glass cutting machine overview


Glass cutting machine is dedicated to glass processing materials with a lower processing machinery. Glass cutting machine ordered inclusive piece of air-delivery platform, double bridge overpass-type cutting tables. As improved style double bridge overpass on the framework of the length of the cutting tables in the direction of the first straight beam first and second straight under the framework of the length of the beam and the third straight first beam and the fourth straight beam has included among the four shaft, a number of transport wheels, motors, belts, glass transportation agencies; piece of air-delivery platform in the direction of its length table with end connected to the motor power control circuit to control the motor open and close proximity switches, proximity switches slightly above the top of the table. As a further improvement, double bridge overpass-type cutting tables in the first and second straight beam straight beams are equipped with a resistance of glass-like switch to roll the two vertical components of the four components of rectangular layout of the rollover. The other, it also manually Breaking Taiwan, and the double bridge overpass-type cutting table, manually Breaking units arranged end to end. This unit has the advantages of lower cost.